Terms & Conditions
  1. This agreement (the "Terms of Use") is a legally binding contract between You ("You" "Your") and the units, divisions, subsidiaries and strategic partners of Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa ( "We" "Us" "Our"). This agreement governs the use of any Website or Web Page operated by Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa and its subsidiaries, including any Website via which you access this agreement (collectively, the "Sites").

Through the Sites, Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa offers access to certain services and goods (collectively, "Goods"), and specific services, including corporate and investor news, information about the hotel, reservation services for accommodation, restaurants and entertainment programmes, enrolment in membership programmes, advertising and special promotional offers, including for employment, sale of merchandise, an online magazine, online resources and registration for vendors and travel agents and online applications for associate credit cards (collectively, "Services").

You must read, agree to, and accept all the terms and conditions contained in these Terms of Use governing the sale and delivery of all Goods and/or access to and use of the Services, and the Personal Data Protection Policy, which include those terms and conditions expressly referred to below, as well as terms and conditions incorporated by reference, before you may become a guest ("Guest") of the Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa Sites. When you access the Sites and/or the Goods and/or the Services, you accept the terms and conditions as laid down in these Terms of Use. If you do not agree, you cannot use or access the Sites or the Services, or purchase the Goods.

Τwo types of users may access the Sites - users accessing the Sites without uploading or downloading information on the Sites or accessing password-protected services (such as reservations), and Guests. Password-protected services are available only to Guests. Without limiting the above, password-protected services are not available to persons under the age of 23, or to Guests who have been barred or excluded themselves temporarily or indefinitely. Unless you are authorised, you may not use or access the Sites or Services or acquire Goods.

Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa reserves the right periodically to change these terms and conditions and/or Goods and Services as it sees fit, posting the terms and the conditions, the Goods and the Services on its Sites. Your use of the Sites following any such change means that you agree to follow and be bound by the amended terms and the amended conditions of these Terms of Use.

The permission granted in this agreement automatically expires without further notice if you breach any of the terms of this Agreement. In this case, you agree immediately to destroy any material you have downloaded and/or printed. Unauthorised use of any material contained on this website may violate national or international copyright laws, trademark laws, laws on privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes

  1. Passwords and Security

You must have a Guest account to access certain parts of the Sites and/or Services. Only authorised persons registered at Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa may access the Sites and/or Services. To open a user account you must complete the registration process, providing Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa with current, complete and accurate information as indicated on the applicable registration form. When you register for Services, you agree to submit accurate, current and complete information about yourself and Your organisation, if applicable, and to update this information immediately, if necessary. If Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa suspects that this information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, it has the right, but not the obligation, to suspend or terminate your access to the Sites or use of the Services and/or to request updated information from You.

When you first log-in to the Services, you may be asked to select a personal non-transferable password: You may also be asked to provide confidential information of your own choosing (such as your mother's maiden name, the name of a pet, city of birth, etc.) which will be used by Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa to ascertain your identity in the event of you asking for your forgotten or lost password. This personal data are not given to third parties, except as otherwise stated in the Personal Data Protection Policy and are subject to the terms of the then current Personal Data Protection Policy or of the Sites.

We may use cookies to identify users when they register on the Sites. However, because it is difficult to identify a user on the internet, Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa cannot confirm a professed identity.

You are solely responsible for any and all activities recorded on your account, and must ensure that you exit or log-off from your account at the end of every session. If you are using a public computer or a computer to which other people might have access, make sure you follow all the relevant instructions to ensure that you have properly disconnected and exited the Sites and the computer system you are using, so that you do not allow others to gain access to your account

  1. Restricted Rights

The information on the Sites is provided with "Restricted Rights". Use, duplication or disclosure are subject to restrictions, as detailed in the applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Information about Products and Pricing Policy, Availability and Employment

Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa is not responsible for typographical or other errors or omissions regarding prices or other information. All product sales and advertisements are subject to these Terms of Use. Promotional offers and prices apply for a limited or set period of time. Prices and promotional offers are subject to alteration without prior notice. Stock and availability are subject to rapid change. In addition, career opportunities at the Sites are subject to change without prior notice. Please consult Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa localities separately for current information

  1. Your conduct

You agree not to:

  1. in any way upload, transmit, communicate, send or make available to the Sites or the Services content or material which: (i) is false, inaccurate, misleading, fraudulent, unlawful (including laws governing consumer protection, unfair competition, antidiscrimination or false advertising), harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, unethical, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, libellous and/or objectionable, (ii) infringes the intellectual property of third parties, whether a copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, intellectual or other right, or proprietary right, or rights of publicity or privacy, or (iii) contains viruses, worms, Trojan horses, time bombs, cancel bots, Easter eggs, corrupted files, or other similar software or programs designed to interrupt, interfere, intercept, expropriate, destroy or limit the functionality of the data, personal data, computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.
  2. alter, remove or falsify attributions or other proprietary designations of origin or source of any content existing on the Sites or available through the Services or existing in a file uploaded to the Sites or the Services.
  3. impersonate the identity of another person or company, including - but not limited to - Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa officers, or falsely declare or misrepresent your relationship with an individual or company.
  4. attempt, by any means, to gain unauthorised access to the Sites or Services, or to the account of any user of the Sites and/or Services
  5. use a robot, spider, scraper or other automated or manual means of processing or monitoring the data or content of the Sites without our prior written permission. The systematic retrieval of data or other content from the Sites to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, selection, database or directory without our prior written permission is prohibited.
  6. take any action imposing an excessive or disproportionate load on the infrastructure of the Sites and/or Services.
  7. constitute a liability to Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa or cause the loss (in part or in whole) of the information technology services provided by partners or other suppliers of Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa, or
  8. complete transactions begun using the Services which, by paying a consideration or other fee, would force Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa to violate applicable laws, statutes, provisions or regulations, or which violate these Terms of Use or the Personal Data Protection Policy.

The use of any device or software which interferes or attempts to interfere with the proper operation of the Sites or Services is strictly prohibited

  1. Restrictions on Proprietary Rights
  2. All the material on the Sites, including - but not limited to - all the informational text, designs, images and presentations of advertisements, photographs, audio material, video, messages, interactive and instant messaging design and functions, files, documents, images or other materials (collectively, the "Materials"), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, as well as all derivative works, belong to Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa or to third parties which have granted permission to Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa and are protected by laws on copyright, trademarks, and intellectual property.

The trademarks, logos, images, audio material and service marks appearing on the Sites belong either to Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa or to third parties. You agree not to post or use the property without prior written permission from Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa.

  1. The duplication, reproduction, republication, uploading, posting, transmission or distribution by any means, including e-mail or other electronic means, of the Materials on the Sites, is not permitted without the prior consent of Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa. Any modification of the Materials, use of the Materials on any website or networked computer environment, or use of the Materials for any purpose that is not personal and non-commercial, without the prior consent of Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa, is prohibited and constitutes a violation of the copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights in the Materials.
  2. Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa alone owns every right, title and interest, including all related copyrights, as well as suggestions, ideas, feedback, recommendations, comments, postings or other information You provide for the Sites and/or the Services ("Submission"), and you agree to assign these Submissions to Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa free of charge. Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa may or may not use these Submissions as it sees fit.
  3. Links to other Web Sites

The Sites contain links to third-party web sites to facilitate You. You can gain access to the Sites via links contained on third-party web sites. These web sites are not under the control of Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa. Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa does not endorse, adopt or undertake any responsibility for the content or privacy practices of third-party web sites, including - but not limited to - information provided on third-party web sites that may lead the user to the Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa . If you have accessed the Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa via a third-party link, you continue to be bound by these the terms and the conditions of these Terms of Use. In no case is Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa liable for the content or for other materials on or available at other web pages.

  1. Disclaimer of Warranties
  2. You expressly agree that the use of the sites and of the services is at your own liability. The sites, the services and any content on the sites or services or which may be downloaded from the sites or services, are provided "as are" and "as available". Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including - but not limited to - warranties of merchantability, unobstructed use, fitness for purpose or non-infringement. No advice or information, whether oral or written, provided by you to Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa or acquired through the sites or the services shall create a warranty not expressly stated in this agreement.
  3. Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa makes no warranty that the services or any content provided through the sites or contained on them or downloaded from them will meet your requirements, will be accurate, complete, current or timely, or that the sites or services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or free of errors. In the event that the content of the web site is inaccurate, incomplete or not current, Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa does not intentionally falsify material or provide deliberately false information.
  4. You understand and agree that any material and/or data downloaded or acquired by other means through the use of the sites or the services or other content contained on the sites or the services is at your own liability and you are exclusively responsible for any damage to your computer system and any loss of data resulting from the downloading of such material and/or data.
  5. Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa is not responsible for any loss or damage caused or held to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information or ideas contained, suggested or referenced on the sites, through the services, or any similar use you personally make.
  6. Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa and its licensors make no declaration or warranty that the sites or services or any other content existing on the sites or the services or downloaded from them, is appropriate or available for use in every geographical location. If you use the services outside Greece, you are solely responsible for compliance with all the applicable laws, including, but not limited to, other countries' import and export regulations.
  7. Limitation of liability

Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa and its employees are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damage arising from the use or the inability to use the site, the services of the content of the sites or the services or which may be downloaded from and through them, or any information obtained at the sites, through the services, or for the cost of procurement of substitute services resulting from unauthorised access to or alteration of your transmission or your data, including, but not limited to, damage for loss of profits, use, data or other intangibles, even if the damage is foreseeable, or if Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa has been informed of the possibility of such damage. You agree that the total liability of Kinetta Beach Hotel arising from this agreement shall not exceed the precise total amount received from you by Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa to access the sites and/or use the services

  1. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, absolve and release Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa, its subsidiaries and its properties (as well as their respective employees, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, licensors and their respective successors and beneficiaries), from any claim, damage, cost and expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from or related to the proper or improper use of the Sites, Services and/or any content thereof or provided by the Sites and Services, including, but not limited to, information from third-party web sites linked to the Sites.

  1. Changes to the Sites

Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa reserves the right to modify, suspend and discontinue all or part of the Sites and/or the Services at any time, without notice. Unless otherwise stated, new characteristics of renewed Sites or Services will be subject to the present Terms of Use. The Sites are currently accessible to users at no charge. However, Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa reserves the right to charge for access or use of any part of the Sites or the Services in the future.

  1. Non-compliance with these Terms

Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa may, if it deems it necessary, remove Your data from the Sites, notify the community of Your actions, send a warning, suspend or immediately terminate Your account and any activities you carry out on the Sites, without first informing You, and refuse to provide You with our Services if you breach the Terms of Use, or if we are not in a position to check or confirm any information you provide to Us, or if we believe that Your actions may cause financial losses or legal liability for You, Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa, other Guests or users, or Us. Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa reserves the right, if it deems it necessary, to refuse, at any time, access to any user to those parts of the Sites that require your registration. You agree that Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa will not be liable to You or any third party for the termination of Your access to Material, Content, Services and/or Sites.

  1. Settling Disputes, Existing Legislation, Jurisdiction

The Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Greek law. Any dispute or claim which may arise from or in respect of the Terms of Use, or the breach thereof, shall be settled under Greek law. We implement the requirements of Greek law regarding the management of Personal Data from wherever received, and every property managed by Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa conforms to the local privacy laws of the area of jurisdiction where it is located.

Users retain the rights recognised by Greek Law 2472/1997 on Data Protection (and Law 2819/1000, Law 2774/1999, Presidential Decrees 207/1998 and 79/2000, and EU Directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC), and specifically the rights relating to information, access and reputation.

  1. Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa's Personal Data Protection Policy

Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa ensures that a secure environment is provided for consumers. Although Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa is not a financial institution, Kinetta Beach Resort & Spa is committed to respecting the privacy rights of Guests and Site users.